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Jasper Canyon Research

Specialized Instruments for Geochronologists

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We design and manufacture specialized instruments for geochronology laboratories.

JCR Zircon Concentrating Tables

Zircon geochronologists have generally used traditional Wilfley and Gemini tables, but those tables were designed for concentrating gold at mine sites, not for concentrating zircon in laboratories. Our new tables are comprehensively optimized for zircon geochronology laboratories. Currently in use at 20 laboratories in 4 countries. Model 4 is now shipping in 2021. See below to download a detailed PDF on Model 3.

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Automated Microscope Stage Systems for Fission Track Analysis

These systems facilitate FT EDM age determinations and confined track length measurements.

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AGU 2016 zircon concentrator poster

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Dr. Trevor Dumitru, Jasper Canyon Research Inc., Palo Alto, California USA
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Trevor A. Dumitru

Jasper Canyon Research Inc., Palo Alto, California

Owner. Consulting in environmental geology (2000-2013). Development of instrumentation for geologic laboratories.

Stanford University, Stanford, California


Postdoctoral Scholar, Research Associate, Consulting Associate Professor, retired 2016.

Research in tectonics, geochronology, and thermochronology.

Head of fission track thermochronology laboratory.

Manager of mineral separation laboratory.


Ph.D., Geology, University of Melbourne (Australia)
M.A., Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin
B.A., Geological Sciences, Harvard University

Selected Academic Publications

2019       Stern, R.J., and T.A. Dumitru, Eocene initiation of the Cascadia subduction zone: A second example of plume-induced subduction initiation?, Geosphere, v. 15, p. 659-681, doi: 10.1130/GES02050.1.

2018       Dumitru, T.A., J.K. Hourigan, W.P. Elder, W.G. Ernst, and R. Joesten, New, much younger ages for the Yolla Bolly terrane and a revised timeline for accretion in the Franciscan subduction complex, California, Geological Society of America Special Paper 540, p. 339-366, doi: 10.1130/2018.2540(15).

2016       Dumitru, T.A., W.P. Elder, J.K. Hourigan, A.D. Chapman, S.A. Graham, and J. Wakabayashi, Four Cordilleran paleorivers that connected Sevier thrust zones in Idaho to depocenters in California, Washington, Wyoming, and, indirectly, Alaska, Geology, v. 44, p. 75-78, doi: 10 .1130 /G37286.1.

2015       Dumitru, T.A., W.G. Ernst, J.K. Hourigan, and R.J. McLaughlin, Detrital zircon U-Pb reconnaissance of the Franciscan subduction complex in northwestern California, International Geology Review, v. 57, p. 767-800, doi: 10.1080/00206814.2015.1008060.

2013       Carroll, A.R., T.A. Dumitru, S.A. Graham, and M.S. Hendrix, An 800 million-year detrital zircon record of continental amalgamation: Tarim Basin, NW China, International Geology Review, v. 55, p. 818-829.

2013       Dumitru, T.A., W.G. Ernst, J.E. Wright, J.L. Wooden, R.E. Wells, L.P. Farmer, A.J.R. Kent, and S.A. Graham, Eocene extension in Idaho generated massive sediment floods into the Franciscan trench and into the Tyee, Great Valley, and Green River basins, Geology, v. 41, p. 187-190.

2010       Dumitru, T.A., J. Wakabayashi, J.E. Wright, and J.L. Wooden, Early Cretaceous transition from nonaccretionary behavior to strongly accretionary behavior within the Franciscan subduction complex, Tectonics, v. 29, TC5001, doi:10.1029/2009TC002542.

2007       Unruh, J.R., T.A. Dumitru, and T.L. Sawyer, Coupling of early Tertiary extension in the Great Valley forearc basin with blueschist exhumation in the underlying Franciscan accretionary wedge at Mt. Diablo, California, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 119, p. 1347–1367.

2007       Wakabayashi, J., and T.A. Dumitru,40Ar/39Ar ages from coherent, high-pressure metamorphic rocks of the Franciscan Complex, California: Revisiting the timing of metamorphism of the world’s type subduction complex, International Geological Review, v. 49, p. 873–906.

2006      Colgan, J.P., T.A. Dumitru, E.L. Miller, and P.W. Reiners, Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Basin and Range Province in northwestern Nevada, American Journal of Science, v. 306, p. 616-654.

2006      Colgan, J.P., T.A. Dumitru, M. McWilliams, and E.L. Miller, Timing of Cenozoic volcanism and Basin and Range extension in northwestern Nevada:  New constraints from the northern Pine Forest Range, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 118, p. 126-139.

2004       Colgan, J.P., T.A. Dumitru, and E.L. Miller, Diachroneity of Basin and Range extension and Yellowstone hotspot volcanism in northwestern Nevada, Geology, v. 32, p. 121-124.

2003      Egger, A.E., T.A. Dumitru, E.L. Miller, C.F.I. Savage, and J.L. Wooden, Timing and nature of Tertiary plutonism and extension in the Grouse Creek Mountains, Utah, International Geology Review, v. 45, p. 497-532.

2003      Stockli, D.F., T.A. Dumitru, M.O. McWilliams, and K.A. Farley, Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the White Mountains, California and Nevada, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 115, p. 788-816. 

2002       Moore, T.E., T.A. Dumitru, K.E. Adams, S.N. Witebsky, and A.G. Harris, Origin of the Lisburne Hills-Herald Arch structural belt: Stratigraphic, structural, and fission-track evidence from the Cape Lisburne area, northwestern Alaska, in Tectonic Evolution of the Bering Shelf–Chukchi Sea–Arctic Margin and Adjacent Landmasses, Geological Society of America Special Paper 360, edited by E.L. Miller, A. Grantz, and S.L. Klemperer, p. 77-109.

2002       Surpless, B.E., D.F. Stockli, T.A. Dumitru, and E.L. Miller, Elizabeth L., Two-phase westward encroachment of Basin and Range extension into the northern Sierra Nevada, Tectonics, v. 21, no. 1, 10.1029/2000TC001257.

2001       Dumitru, T.A., and M.S. Hendrix, Fission track constraints on Jurassic folding and thrusting in southern Mongolia and their relationship to the Beishan thrust belt of northern China, in Paleozoic and Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution of Central and Eastern Asia:  From Continental Assembly to Intracontinental Deformation, Geological Society of America Memoir 194, edited by M.S. Hendrix and G.A. Davis, p. 215-229.

2001       Dumitru, T.A., D. Zhou, E. Chang, S.A. Graham, M.S. Hendrix, E.R. Sobel, and A.R. Carroll, Uplift, exhumation, and deformation in the Chinese Tian Shan, in Paleozoic and Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution of Central and Eastern Asia: From Continental Assembly to Intra­continental Deformation, Geological Society of America Memoir 194, edited by M.S. Hendrix and G.A. Davis, p. 71-99.

2000      Dumitru, T. A., Fission-track geochronology, in Quaternary Geochronology: Methods and Applications, edited by J.S. Noller, J.M., Sowers, and W.R. Lettis, American Geophysical Union Reference Shelf, v. 4, p. 131-156.

2000      Stockli, D.F., Farley, K.A., and Dumitru, T.A., Calibration of the apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometer on an exhumed fault block, White Mountains, California, Geology, v. 28, p. 983-986.

1999      Miller, E.L., T.A. Dumitru, R.W. Brown, and P.B. Gans, Rapid Miocene slip on the Snake Range–Deep Creek Range fault system, east-central Nevada, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 111, p. 886-905. 

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